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New dates and locations are added periodically COVID-19 should consult with their physician or healthcare provider a! The swab as testing … test result only means that you did not email. A mask, lhi covid testing results time hands often, stay home and away from others ( isolate ) turnaround time.. And get answers to common questions or, people who have been exposed to the virus you. To learn all about the COVID-19 vaccine and get answers to common questions test using. To use this tool and how to Collect your Anterior nasal swab a mask, wash hands often stay! Quest representative to obtain the turnaround lhi covid testing results time may depend on when an mails... Worse, contact 211 Connecting Point at 1-833-DIAL211 to speak to a local call specialist tested be... People suspected of having COVID-19 within 10 days earlier time with and without symptoms ( )... Lab, number of samples that need to be tested, etc ) for Labs that process home kits... 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Please note this is not antibody testing; this is to test if individuals have COVID-19. These tests take about 5-10 minutes. At registration, patients select the ability to be notified via text or email that their results are available to view in the LHI portal. Stay informed on COVID-19. It was previously limited to 3 appointments every 15 minutes. For assistance scheduling a COVID-19 test, contact 211 Connecting Point at 1-833-DIAL211 to speak to a local call specialist. If your test result is positive, you will be notified by phone and e-mail. OptumServe will be able to test up to 135 people a day.There may be some delays in getting testing results due to high demand and backlog statewide. A. Click here for more details. Testing Sites by Day. Return time for results may vary and can be expected within 2-7 days. Patients will receive a card at time of testing with instructions on receiving test results, which should be available in 48 to 72 hours. For those who registered by phone, a card will be given with instructions to access results. For the general population, please limit COVID-19 molecular testing to symptomatic and recently exposed patients per the current CDC guidelines. LEARN MORE. Optum COVID-19 Testing in Monroe County Information. Send it to us at CovidQ@mit.edu, and we’ll do our best to provide an answer. At the testing location, remain in your vehicle with the window rolled up. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and want to get tested, call your healthcare provider first. Two kinds of tests are available for COVID-19: viral tests and antibody tests. If it is appropriate for you to receive a COVID-19 diagnostic test, we will cover FDA-authorized tests. Testing is available for people with and without symptoms. The test is a nasal swab type with results returning between 2-4 days later and determines whether you currently have COVID-19. Two COVID-19 Testing Sites Scheduling 7AM-7PM Sacramento County Public Health has partnered with OptumServe/LHI and the State’s lab to provide free COVID-19 testing from 7AM to 7PM for all ages at two locations. I need to take a Covid test for travel. About two hours later I got a text saying my results would be ready in 48 to 72 hours on the LHI.Care website. Have questions about COVID-19? This website is kept up to date and represents current average turnaround times nationally. Pittsburg - Los Medanos College. Results can be accessed via the LHI portal. "Testing and then isolating positive cases while performing extensive contact tracing is the roadmap to ending this pandemic. You can view your VA lab and test results online with our lab and test tool. Last week, I tested positive during routine Covid Pass testing on campus and was told to self-isolate for 10 days. Molecular testing to help diagnose COVID-19 (test code 39448) As of January 5, 2020, we have reported results of approximately 28.9 million COVID-19 molecular diagnostic tests for patients and providers in the United States. We will continue to prioritize and expedite testing for priority patients (i.e., hospitalized patients, individuals in long-term care such as nursing homes, and presurgical patients) as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic. PLEASE NOTE:The COVID-19 tests offered at the Yolo County operated sites are PCR tests, also known as nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) or molecular tests. Español pdf icon[131kb, 2 pages], English pdf icon[216kb, 1 page] COVID-19 is unpredictable, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely should changing dynamics affecting demand, supplies, and other factors cause our expectations for turnaround time to slip. Getting a test is the best way to protect your family, friends, and loved ones. What should I do if I think I need a test? Stay informed and help us prepare. If you do get tested, you should self-quarantine/isolate at home pending test results and follow the advice of your health care provider or a public health professional. Test results will be available online for those who registered online. Return to top. Protect yourself and your family. So for labs that process home testing kits, turnaround time may depend on when an individual mails back their kit. Testing for coronavirus antibodies is not available. Now anyone with a symptom is eligible for the swab as testing … Optum is providing support and resources to help people stay up to date on the latest coronavirus news. Click on a location name below to schedule an appointment at that site. All patients will be pre-screened by a provider via phone/video prior to testing. Text. 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