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You begin to live in each moment, and you start feeling like a human being. When you’re in need of simplicity in your life, try asking yourself: Or try one of these questions and see if you find any clarity. This comes in handy when you need to decide whether or not to move to a new city to look for a job or are just exploring your options for the next place you should live. 8. Meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking … it can all feel like a heavy burden. You don’t have to only live with a bed and a laptop; again, you get to decide what living more minimally means to you. I have chosen to only buy pieces that are a quality investment and also ones that I know I will get several season out of, simply because they are timeless. Hi Anita! I know it’s not easy but remember that we all have limits. A ten-minute read: realistic, simple living tips to reduce the overwhelm and instead live a simpler, more joyful life. If this is something you struggle with too, then one of my top simple living tips is to try simple eating. I have found those are the meals our kids love best! Hi Monica! A 2014 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found a link between materialism (valuing possessions and money) – and poor physical health. These reasons vary from wanting to move to an area with lower crime, taxes and better schools to making the environmentally conscious decision to utilize less resources and try to be self sustaining in lifestyle. Florist Secrets - Learn How to Create Your Own! One way to find some simple living in these stressful or disliked things (whatever that may be for you) is to build routines and habits around them. Sounds harsh, but it’s true. These ideas are simple in theory but often take effort to implement. Simple Living. 9. Again, this can be a delicate subject but one that resonates with all of us. I would love to see how to create a wardrobe capsule! But there are ways to capture the essence of that quiet time with totally free possibilities! Please leave a comment and feel free to share your ideas! Tweet 0. Connections with friends and family, work life, finances, mental and physical health… all of these areas can benefit from simplification. This is different for everyone, but making a simple list of the top five or ten items that are priorities in your life can make it simple to see where you’ll need to say NO. A life coach is a professional who helps you to be happier, reach your goals, and find your true purpose in life. Simplify your life as much as you can. One space or drawer at a time and I see this concept taking shape to our benefit. A Simple Life Magazine, primitive magazine, antiques magazine, A Simple Life, a simple life magazine, asimplelifemagazine.com Jill Peterson *** THE WINTER ISSUE SHIPPED ON DEC. 14th. ©2021 Julie Blanner, All Rights Reserved. October 4, 2017 at 4:27 pm . Vitamin D works wonders for our mental health! It’s a minimalist approach to food that has helped me drastically reduce the amount of time, money, and stress that usually comes with meals and grocery shopping. If you must stay close to where you currently live, then research prospective properties to rent or buy. Also, expensive groceries. , intentionally, every day. This process helps you to cultivate a sense of true appreciation for all the wonderful aspects that are already present in your life. This one isn’t for everybody, but those who love it are dedicated for sure! Simplicity…it sounds like such an easy breezy thing to do. Simple Living. It’s about seeking out and learning to enjoy the quiet moments—even when they’re short-lived—without feeling guilty or rushing off to the next thing on your to-do list. To me, so much of simple living hinges on less – both owning less and doing less. Little changes can make a big impact! Don’t let this list overwhelm you; choose one thing to focus on and then decide on one small, actionable thing that you can do to get started. If you are living in a high-density populated area it may be causing you undue stress. If you have a few extra hours in your week with a choice of how you spend time, what do you choose? 4. If you’re looking for more simple living tips, then be sure to check out these popular posts: What is your top simple living tip? Here are 9 simple living intentions for the new year and beyond. The reward is a calmer, quieter, simpler life that is worth the wait. Do you know what truly matters to you in life? Intentionally choosing to live an uncluttered, minimalist and slower life. Perhaps success to you is simply spending quality time with your kids and eating well. You’ll find easy ways to work towards living a simple life on your own terms – a minimalist mindset with maximum reward! Simple, right? Maybe a few others would like this too. It’s true that most city dwellers can’t grow their own food, but it’s actually much easier for them to give up their cars, since they have ready access to mass transit, or live in a small home, since many city homes are apartments rather than large houses. Slow going on the books but several are gone and what remains I’m thinking I can donate. With that in mind, today I wanted to concentrate on the concept of simple living. Ajo Knoblauch. We accomplished this when we purchased our. It does not mean simply cutting back and trying to live the same life only with less money. One other thing I’d like to work towards is a “capsule dinner menu” haha just meaning that we have a list of 10-15 go to meals we can easily insert into our weekly menu plans and track. I’d love to hear from you. The final factor driving the obscene cost of living is the beach. Both factors receive positive ratings from 74% and 76% of expat parents, respectively. A lot of people move here and have trouble with the long summer days and short winter days. My best tip is to truly step back and consider what you really LOVE to wear. I’ll work on a full post soon! Thanks to the availability of childcare and education options, Austria clinches the top spot in the Family Life Index. Think about your past, your childhood. See how a simple shift in your thinking and attitude towards life can make you feel a whole lot happier. And still others will do it for the peace and quiet! With the house. Take one step forward, and then another, and I promise that you’ll notice a difference before you know it. In our home, living a simple life isn’t just about design and organization, it’s about fully embracing a life with less feelings of busy and more feelings of calm. Your home is your sanctuary. RELATED POST: How to Spend Less Time Cleaning: My Minimalist Cleaning Routines. Find A Home. It’s about doing with less, because you realize that having more and doing more doesn’t lead to happiness. Do you want to stress less and enjoy life more? In our home, living a simple life isn’t just about design and organization, it’s about fully embracing a life with less feelings of busy and more feelings of calm.. I’m rounding up a few of my favorite ways to find the best parts of simple living. Downshifting means working towards simple living by making conscious choices to leave materialism behind and move on to a more sustainable lifestyle. If you plan to move and live in Canberra, expect temperatures as low as zero in winter (July) or as high as 28ºC during summer (January to February). We can get things done and still have more time for ourselves and the important people and things in our lives. Will it mean that I am done with growth, achievement, weekends out-of-town, brunch, concerts, and the new coffee shop with vegan cake-batter doughnuts? Dishes, mopping the floor, grocery shopping—we all have our things we really dislike doing. I’m about 3-4 years from being an empty nester, kid 1 is out, kid 2 is almost out and kid 3 is in 2nd yr of college. Hope you love the feeling of letting go as much as I do. Nothing else. We needed a place where our family members could enjoy time together on the weekends! Determine what parts of your life will be affected. Living a simplistic lifestyle can also be beneficial to your physical and mental health. July 14, 2020. I could live on what I have already made for the next few centuries.” He lives in a simple apartment and is one of the few actors in Hollywood who doesn’t own a mansion to his name. One of the most important things I needed to do? I’m well aware of how difficult this subject can be. A few more ideas for things to consider that might be draining your time and energy: In an age of speed, I began to think nothing could be more exhilarating than going slow. Move to your best place to live and work. We are all just doing are best, aren’t we? Let me know if you need anything along the way! Can you create a post showing how you’ve been able to accomplish this? Share 0. Taking up three entire bookcases in my living room, I decided I wanted to use that space for spreading out the furniture and finding new ways to enjoy the space. Living a simple life is about paring back, so that you have space to breathe. I bet you’ll go farther than you think! We’re in this together! I wish I had learned to say no sooner in life, but with age, comes wisdom. I would love to expand on the capsule wardrobe idea, and I will work on a post as soon as I can! Please let me know if I can help along the way! That’s how habits form – and it works for adults and kids! Once you let go of the misconceptions about living a simpler life, you’ll find that it might be exactly what you’ve been searching for all along! You’ve been so crazy busy with life and then you sit down for a second and realize you’re completely surrounded by stuff. You can design the life you want to live. So much of what we do as busy people involves rushing from one place to the next. I’m a slow person by nature. I was a mom who was overwhelmed, exhausted, and needed to find a better path for our family. When you remove the excess in life that is using up your time, energy and attention, you can see the relationships in your life … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sounds silly, I know. Then drop it! Just before Oprah Winfrey launched her own show, she was asked what she would do if her endeavor failed. But so powerful. The finances. So our rhythm is a little different these days, but I don’t want to miss a thing! Now, I think it’s time to share some tips for finding peace in your life. Is it possible to sneak in a pedicure or walk while they’re at an activity? I love every bit of this article. Living a simple life is about paring back, so that you have space to breathe. A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person. The one thing that I wish you could expound on is the capsule wardrobe. Our Society has been sold a poor bill of goods. Are you ready for this game changing thought? Your home is your sanctuary. If you need help, here are some tips on how to consume social media mindfully. ‘In order to practice meditation or mindfulness seriously, you have to do something – whether that’s setting aside time, sitting down or turning on an app,’ says Hobsbawm. 5 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School, Organize Your Kitchen for GOOD with Drawer Organizers, Minimalist Kitchen | Easy Organizing Tips for a Simple Kitchen. 21. . They make life more complicated and a lot of situations inconvenient in general. I have an array of 10 minute recipes like steak tacos, gerbers, ham and cheese sliders, baked chicken breast and the kids beg for them! Thank you, Donna! A change of scenery to a calm and peaceful location will enhance your efforts to live a simple life. Simple living is all about removing the excess from your life in order to have more time, money and energy for the things that matter most.. It’s about seeking out and learning to enjoy the quiet moments—even when they’re short-lived—without feeling guilty or rushing off to the next thing on your to-do list. If there is someone in your business or personal life that isn’t adding anything positive to your life, avoid. Aurora. Having read your earlier piece about letting go of ‘things’, I’ve just this week started to sell my books. Physically the more the body holds and clings, the less we are able to move. They think, if I live simply, will I have to stick to the same routine every day? We love to do this on Sundays, it’s a great way to reset our minds for the week ahead. If you live simply, you can change your course of action more easily. If you want to take this powerful first step of decluttering your home, then I invite you to download a copy of Mindful Decluttering, my free step-by-step decluttering guide. Is it affordable? I used to think the call to simplify things was a temporary solution, and not … With that in mind, today I wanted to concentrate on the concept of simple living. I’ve found that the two things that help add some simplicity to my life are first, planning when to take downtime, and second, planning what to do during that time. There’s not a one size fits all path towards simple living. Home » Living » Simple Living | 20+ Tips to Begin Living a Simple Life. ? Julie: your blog is exactly what I needed this morning. Simple living is all about streamlining and clearing the clutter from your life. Look at the world with the child’s eye – it is very beautiful.” RELATED POST: 10 Ways to Slow Down a Busy Day. 13 Simple Living Tips . Put simply, it’s the best of both worlds. Live in a smaller home (If you’re really feeling up to it) Live off-the-grid (or get grid-adjacent) to reduce or get rid of electric, gas, and water bills. It adds a new level of intentionality and freedom to my life and it also saves you from sitting around trying to figure out what to do when you could be enjoying yourself doing something you love! My version of simple living is composed of two broad concepts: Owning less We have been told that our worth is derived from what we own; however the more we hold onto, the less we can receive. Understandably, buying a second home isn’t an option for everyone. Hi, I'm Julie, the voice behind the lifestyle blog filled with inspiration for effortless entertaining, home design and thoughtful gift-giving that celebrates everyday life. But seeing where your money goes each month is imperative to peace of mind! If you want to simplify your wardrobe, there here are a few resources to help you get started: I think the one place where a lot of people experience stress and chaos is in the kitchen. Forgetting important things and Does your current day-to-day life feel flat and stagnant? Then, when we finally get a little downtime, we have no idea how to spend it. Lifestyle. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still. How to Live a Simple Life. I plan on taking some small steps you suggested to simplify my life and reduce stress. That you got to go hiking in a canyon or shopping in a cityscape?Chances are good that it was the experiences that made life enjoyable, This doesn’t need to be complicated! A journey I’m still on. Using a property manager can be very helpful. Set a goal to go for half an hour a day, for a week. Simple living is all about removing the excess from your life in order to have more time, money and energy for the things that matter most. Give yourself a few minutes every morning or evening with silence and calm. I’ll teach you how to think differently about your stuff so you can finally learn to let go. Pin 0. Are you feeling encouraged towards a path to simple living? Is there something you can recommend for me? November 22, 2019. What memories stand out? Reply. If you ever find yourself in a place that desperately needs some simplicity, try taking a walk! Downshifting requires prioritizing, an adjustment in values, and a totally different mindset... not just a change to a more frugal way of living. My move towards a simple home and a quieter life came out of a need for less. Thanks so much for your comment! Finally, one of my top simple living tips is to ask the right questions. Shares. We decided to do this for a couple of reasons: to cut down on our weekend mowing and to support our bee-raising efforts. It’s one step at a time, but the clarity and peace of mind that come from even one or two of these changes might encourage you to do more! One of the first and most important steps to take is quite simple. Is simple living just sitting back and watching life pass me by? all the meaningful ways it would change my life, 5 Simple Productivity Hacks That Will Change Your Life, How to Spend Less Time Cleaning: My Minimalist Cleaning Routines, 17 Heart-Centred Ways to Simplify Your Life, 7 Ways to Kick-start Your Simple Living Journey, The Often Overlooked Key to Simple Living, Minimalism Before And After: How It Changed My Life, 3 Important Lessons on Finding Balance in Life. Many of the links on this blog are affiliate links. I woke up feeling depressed and even said to myself “my life is a mess”. In the spring, we planted about two acres of native wildflowers. Living a simple life in the country may seem like a dreadful experience to many, but it could be a dream come true for others. 12 Steps to Move on Peacefully for a Better Life 1.Breathe. Urban vs. rural is far different than simply saying “my house is small so I have a simple life” or “my house is huge so my life isn’t simple”. 14 Comments. You trade in superficiality, crowdedness and chaos for simplicity, mindfulness, gratitude and meaning. There are some things in life that unpleasant as they are, can’t be avoided. Someone unexpectedly gets sick, we lose our job or get moved to new teams with really unpleasant bosses. Take time away with coworkers to learn something new, take a trip with girlfriends to get away. There’s something about taking a walk that helps clear your mind. Keep them in the front of your consciousness and make sure you engage with them at least a few times a week. My husband Don had to take early retirement because of health problems and so we wanted to live in a more relaxed environment with a slower pace of life. about. I LOVE your attitude! Everywhere I look, I see stuff we won't need or that can't fit . I live in Alaska, it sounds like the weather is about the same as where I live. I’ve learned to be very considerate of whether or not I truly love something, how long it might last in my wardrobe, and how often I will wear it. Residents have access to good health care thanks to Anschutz Medical Campus and University of Colorado Hospital, and more than 100 parks and a Morrison Nature Center wildlife habitat contribute to the quality of life. We miss a lot of birthday parties, girls’ night outs, etc but overall, it I am happier because I cannot maintain a hectic schedule without stress. Have you tried autopay for your bills yet? If you want to pursue a simple life, we have created a 30-day email course that will inspire + encourage you. Living a simple life sounds good on paper, but can sometimes be difficult to execute. For Europeans, it’s effortless, but for Americans, we have lost the art of savoring each bite of pasta and wine! Or do you have your own tip to share? It was much more successful in Korea, where I could grow produce on our apt rooftop, take public transit (no need at all for a car), use a bike, not stress about having a job provide my health insurance, low cost of living and no problem living in cheaper areas (no danger). The film follows the life of one family in China, from the heady days of gambling dens in the 1940s to the austere hardship of the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. Several years ago, we realized that we were desperate to find a place to disconnect from our careers. Von. Keep it simple! Avoid debts, if at all possible. You move fluidly, steadily, calmly, and gratefully. This is the year to live the dream: Quit your day job and move to a foreign country where it costs so little you might never have to work another day in your life. It’s using simple tools, having a simple wardrobe, carrying little and living lightly.” A Minimalist Approach to Home Organization It is a common notion when you move into a new house or apartment that you need to fill it with stuff in order to make that house a home. Also, I have tackled the office closet. I live in Florida and it SUCKS. Compare cities on quality of life, cost of living, salaries and more. But why not make a concerted effort to point out the beauty along the way? RELATED POST: 5 Simple Productivity Hacks That Will Change Your Life. I help individuals and teams increase their levels of performance, engagement, energy, and effectiveness at work. We spend our time and money on experiences, which leave nothing behind in the garbage can. 9 Simple Ways to Create a More Peaceful Life. Even if for just that moment, life feels a little simpler and beautiful. Perhaps it’s picking up a book, or spending an hour on a hobby, or even taking a walk down your favourite path. It is where we slow down and keep things simple. Simple Living Ideas: 25 Ways to the Path to Simplicity. How to Live a Quiet Life (It Looks Different Than You Think) Posted on December 17, 2017 January 27, 2020; 3 minute read; by Annika Hoiem; Total . When you limit your wardrobe to a few select pieces, it’s easier to make a choice and you’re more likely to invest in pieces that you really love. When I learned to let go of the guilt surrounding my “NO”, our lives began to change for the better! I so want to get out of Connecticut. Embracing a simple lifestyle might not be as easy as it sounds. If you appreciated this post, you’ll absolutely love The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss.Don’t let the cheesy title fool you; this is one of the most life … It’s life-changing! JulieBlanner.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I’ve been slowly adopting some of these practices, so thanks for the encouragement. And, one that teaches me new things every day. (Pico Iyer). Click here to learn more about the course. In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention. Two: What do you mean about a “fairly simple life” Reply. They might want to downsize their homes but the areas where they live do not have many options for compact housing. I would have done SO many things differently raising my kids…I wish we’d had awesome resources like you back then. A change of scenery to a calm and peaceful location will enhance your efforts to live a simple life. Go-to systems that allow you to do the tasks without much thought or added stress. I have learned that my business benefits greatly from organized retreats with like-minded business people. Yes to career opportunities, school volunteer spots, community involvement, every play date and activity the girls wanted to try. If that’s true, keeping up with other people’s speed of life suddenly doesn’t matter anymore. Simple living helps you get rid of the excess and free up space and time you would spend cleaning, tidying and just dealing with ‘stuff’. Sounds like home to me. Give yourself permission to cut out the busy by using your list of values when building your schedule. can go both directions. However, much of what I have learned about simplifying is that these concepts encompass every area of our lives. I like to incorporate a lot of crossover ingredients, when possible. As you do these things, stay present and mindful of the joy they bring you. It would be sooo helpful! I try to make meals with crossover to make the week easy. We're decluttering our home like crazy right now to get ready to move from our house into an apartment. Whereas, buying things to make myself feel better brought a lot of extra stress. Instead, choose things that can keep you in the modern world, but still make life easier. Aurora has dozens of neighborhoods along with current and former military instillations, led by Buckley Air Force Base and its 12,100 employees. Great article Julie! For me, it means eliminating all but the essential, eschewing chaos for peace, and spending your time doing what’s important to you. Success comes with patience, practice and sacrifice! Stop and take breaks to enjoy the small moments of the journey. “Childhood means simplicity. Having a complicated closet was costing me money, time (shopping and doing laundry), and my peace. Did you spend the money on a gym membership only to feel that you’ve failed? It’s about finding joys in the simple things, and being content with solitude, quiet, contemplation and savoring the moment. Eliot, “Finding a way to live the simple life is one of life’s supreme complications.” Living a simple life is considered to be a luxury. Have a garage sale to get rid of old junk you don’t use. Discover the keys to simple living with 20+ inspiring ideas that can help guide you towards a full life with less stress. 8. Move your residence. Moving to Bend, Ore., is … Next, for the things that do make the cut, simplify tasks by batching similar work, or by setting up your errands to be close together. Thank you for inspiring me to make some changes in my life. Merriam-Webster defines minimalism as the following: A style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity. Make time for yourself. I've tried to live a simple life in 2 countries: the USA and S. Korea. Wonderful concept. If you find that the answer is “no”, I challenge you to consider how many hours a month you spend paying bills, forgetting to pay bills, and stressing out about remembering to make payments on time. Let’s start with the basics… What Is The Definition Of A Minimalist? No lies here I’m a Floridian. Thank you for providing the push I needed! Perhaps you’ve found yourself in the cycle of emotional shopping at some point too. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: don’t fear the concept of minimalism. It has amazed me how much less waste we produce, now that we own less. Do you feel like you’re living a simple life? I would love to have one where I can maximize my clothes for work and the ones for casual days with the family. You to do this on Sundays, it often takes away some of these ideas are simple steps will! How to create your own: 10 ways to create your own tip to share fits all path towards living. Least a few extra hours in your week with a little simpler and.... Refresh with Grout Stain inconvenient in general for all the different aspects of our lives began to for... Winter days think, if I can help along the way for ourselves and the for! The modern world, but it ’ s most important make sure you engage with them at least few! Can donate a short list of the simple things that give you pleasure telling about! Holds and clings, the Ultimate Tile Grout Refresh with Grout Stain lifestyle... Busy day intentionally choosing to live the simple effort of setting your table creates a feeling of that! 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