Dioscorea mexicana, commonly called Mexican Yam or Tortoise Plant, is native to Mexico, El Salvador, and Panama. or Best Offer. Dioscorea Mexicana from the Genus Testudinaria meaning Testudo a Genus of Tortoises. Seedling care is mostly the same as mentioned above and in the video, but just be careful to keep it the soil consistently moist during the first growing season (water 1-2x/week with a soil that is very open and drains easily); if the soil dries out too much you can kill the newly-forming caudex. From India +C $32.97 shipping. See, Complete list of plant cultivation articles, Tropical fruit trees and their cold hardiness (PDF), Top Tropicals guide to late-season plants (Fall through Early Spring) in SW Florida (PDF), Top Tropicals guide to tropical fruit trees and their cold hardiness in SW Florida (PDF). The plant should not be kept damp as with other tropical plants. Read more. Dioscorea mexicana 02 Junio 2017 - Duration: 6:43. Let the plant be your guide. English . macrostachya XL €270,00 SRP / €264,60 * * Incl. It has leafy annual stems with an above-ground persistent caudices that lie flat on the ground and can make an interesting container plant. Dioscorea mexicana / 5 seeds Common names: Tortoise plant, Mexican yam, Cabeza de negro Shipping: - All orders will be posted with registered airmail - All the orders are processed in max 2 working days, in most cases one day after ordering. D. mexicana’s native range spans from Mexico and down to Northern Colombia. $29.99. It makes a most interesting container plant. Dioscorea Mexicana / Elephantipes 4” (WHOLE LIVE PLANT) FloridaGreenery. This way you can easily bring it indoors prior to the onset of colder weather. Dioscorea tuerckheimii R. Knuth 1917. 1841. Dioscorea Alata serves as an essential ingredient in minimizing water preservation and also helps to lighten vomiting and sickness symptoms during pregnancy. You cannot force them to grow, and over watering will simply cause them to rot. It is a very unusual succulent. All species are easy to grow from seeds, bulbils (small tubers produced at leaf axils), tubers, or cuttings. Before you get started, one of the most important things to know about the seeds of wild plants is that many have built-in dormancy mechanisms that prevent the seed from germinating. Was gifted some seeds for this last summer, and started them outdoors in a pot. Dioscorea elephantipes has a deeply fissured surface, resembling an elephant's foot, hence its common name. This species has about the same cultivation requirements of T. elephantidens, it is very easy to keep, even being suitable for beginners, as it is robust and can even withstand longer periods of being dry. Seeds. The caudex most often reaches a diameter of 60-90 cm, but sometimes 3 (or more) meter and is covered in tough armor-like plates. Dioscorea species can grow rapidly once established, up to 6 inches per day, so are heavy feeders. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. After sowing the seeds, place the pot outside where it will be exposed to a winter's cold, after which the seeds germinate freely. Shipping costs. - Purchase more seeds from me and pay only one postage Dioscorea mexicana - 5 seeds. Dioscorea Elephantipes rare Testudinaria elephant foot yam Caudiciform 5 seeds. Mexican Yam Info. Tuber contains saponins, originally cooked and eaten as a famine food by the Hottentots. The soil should be very loose and drain very freely. Place the tuber on a large pot with very draining soil, and keep this slightly moist. Posted on December 22, 2018 December 22, 2018 by unusualseeds. The long shoots are suitable for training on trelliswork and hoops. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. 10 left. Hottentot bread, Shop a huge online selection at eBay.com. It makes a most interesting container plant. Culture is relatively easy. I Send A Flyer On How To Grow To Which I Have Had Many Decades Of Success. The plant requires a gritty soil mix but not too mineral in composition. 1). Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. Dioscorea elephantipes has a deeply fissured surface, resembling an elephant's foot, hence its common name. Slow-growing. Dioscorea mexicana, commonly called Mexican Yam or Tortoise Plant, is native to Mexico, El Salvador, and Panama. Dioscorea mexicana. Sucs For You! Consumer goods Soils & Substrates ... Dioscorea mexicana syn. ... Dioscorea mexicana Scheidweiler 1837 (Mexican yam, cabeza de … Dioscorea elephantipes Cactus Cacti Succulent Real Live Plant.