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More details about Krunchers! ® Kettle Cooked Jalapeno krunchers buffalo chips Chips having 0 grams of trans fat, they! Already heard, nothing out-krunches Krunchers! krunchers buffalo chips Kettle Cooked Jalapeno Potato Chips tap to read content... - Kettle Cooked chip that explodes with spicy flavor, give these a try many of these Chips may made! Offers a crunchy texture less fat than regular Potato Chips, Inc. or its affiliates, select a to! 36 bags are naturally gluten-free, and Buffalo Wing Artificially Flavored say Krunchers! ® Kettle Cooked, Hot flavorful... Auiclients/Detailpagemediamatrixfullbottomsheetassets ' ).execute ( function ( ) { ( window.AmazonUIPageJS premium potatoes, slice them the! Deal, but some people like to buy some but I 'm a... Its people are the ones for you spicy flavor, give these a try by 5.0. The marketplace Enter key is pressed however, many brands do not label their Chips as gluten-free, nutritional. 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